Science Illustration & Design


Coastside Land Trust Summer Art Show

Three of my traditional art pieces will be featured in the summer show at the Coastside Land Trust art gallery during July and August. The Coastside Land Trust works to preserve open space and environmentally sensitive areas along the coast in San Mateo County, and their art gallery sales help fund critical land purchases and conservation easements. All of the works in the summer show are inspired by coastal open space.

There will be an opening reception on July 4th from 11am–3pm, to coincide with Half Moon Bay's traditional fourth of July parade down main street. Come watch the parade and meet the artists while kids participate in fun art activities! The artists will also be at the gallery on August 5th from 2–5pm for the SOMA art walk.

Pacific Sea Nettle, to be featured in the Coastside Land Trust Summer Art Show.

Glenda Mahoney